About Me
A lot of you may have a lot of questions or concerns addressing the functionality of my layouts. Most of them are coded without the consideration of the default music player placement. Some of my more recent designs will only function with the sidebar information removed. I can't really troubleshoot with every problem, but if it is something that is of really mass concern I will certainly look into it. Some of the answers to more common questions can be found at Createblog or via Google.
Meep, I'm terrible. :[
And if you're going to replace the image on any of my original layouts, I can't stop you, but please try to leave a credit link somewhere out of courtesy :) Thanks!
Interests | final fantasy, gazette, visual kei, fashion photography, designing, physical activity, lounging, high school |
Music | gazette, nobuo uematsu, dir en grey, tokyo jihen, ancafe, mika nakashima, shiina ringo, malice mizer, alice nine, vidoll, psycho le cému, anything top 40 |
Quotes | Gazette is GOD. |
Contact Me
Website | barettaa.com |
Showing latest 10 of 377 comments

hey i was wondering if you can create a custom layout for me =]
Hey. Thank you for the layout "The Battlefield" It helped alot for what i needed it for. I kept the credited link and have it linked to the layout page so they know it was created by you.
Thank you again
OMG HI! Where've you been???
Wow. Excellent information Dream C.
...just droppin by to say hi
Sorry I haven't spoken to you in the longest time. It seems you're still making brilliant layouts and I'm never not impressed.
Hey Awsome person. Havent heard from you in a while. Hope everything is cool and layouts are awazing as always. Hit me up. when ever.
Hey Fain! Your layouts are the only layouts I've used for years! I always look at the others that are submitted but I always come back to yours because they are the best. I hear you take requests.... I was wondering about that, and the details surrounding that. Let me know, yeah?
Hey Fain! How did everything go with those heart tests? I hope all is well. :)
how've you been?
Layouts | 147 |